"New Year, New Love" Guided Journals Coming Soon!

"New Year, New Love" Guided Journals Coming Soon!

In 2019, at this very time of year, I made a commitment to myself that I would spend all of 2020 learning to love myself. We all lived through that year and experienced it in different ways. It was good for some, terrible for others. In that year, I spent lots of quality time learning about nutrition, self care, relationships, exercise, self-reflection, and just accepting who I was, where I was. It was a tough year! I made it through and the last lesson was the toughest. I permanently left my situation and changed everything so that I could be true to myself and be happy.

2021 was a year of adjusting to my new changes and learning to take care of myself independently. In this time of change and healing, I had the idea of creating a journal for people to navigate learning to themselves as I had the previous year. I know it sure would have been easier with a road map! I had lots of notes and ideas but I just couldn't get anything tangible going. I got frustrated and put it all away for another day.

April of 2023 saw the birth of this business. In trying to create interaction and non-business value for my customers and visitors, I created Self-Reflection Sundays. It was my way of just trying to help people and self-reflection is a tool that I am well aware of. This bled into TikTok videos. Then I got the desire once more to try to create the Self-Love Journals and this time I was able to pull it all together.

I am quite proud to tell you that in a day or two I will be an officially published author of the first two monthly modules of a guided journal series called, "New Year, New Love." These will be available on Amazon.com for $14.99 each. 

When you are ready, start with Month One. No need to start in January. Start whenever it is the right time for you. Work through 4 weeks and then move on to the next one. There will be one for each month of the year and each one builds on the progress of the last. It is gonna be a good year!

I will be posting the link as soon as it is available.  I will also be sending it via email to all of my subscribers.  

Excited doesn't even begin to describe how I feel about this new endeavor! I am so very passionate about people learning how to be loving and gentle with themselves. It is so important.

Thank you for reading all of this and for all your love and support! It means the world to me!

Much Love,

~Lady Misty

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