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Special Edition

My Bonus Daughter wants to participate in her first ever 5K! I've... 

Meet Me at the Bar Gym Gear

You spend quality time at the gym. You love working toward your... 

New Year, New Love Journals

Discover a New Love: Your Journey to Self-Love Are you ready to... 

  • Did you move today?

    Did you move today?

    Do you prioritize movement in the course of your day? Yup, I'm talking about exercise. I loathe that word at this point in my life. To me, it sounds like...

    Did you move today?

    Do you prioritize movement in the course of your day? Yup, I'm talking about exercise. I loathe that word at this point in my life. To me, it sounds like...

  • Self-Reflection Sunday 7-21-24

    Self-Reflection Sunday 7-21-24

    July 21, 2024: Mindfulness in Daily Activities Mindfulness isn’t limited to meditation; it can be integrated into our daily activities to enrich our lives and enhance our emotional well-being. From...

    Self-Reflection Sunday 7-21-24

    July 21, 2024: Mindfulness in Daily Activities Mindfulness isn’t limited to meditation; it can be integrated into our daily activities to enrich our lives and enhance our emotional well-being. From...

  • Do You Love Your Body?

    Do You Love Your Body?

    Most of us struggle to find one thing that is positive about our bodies because we are conditioned to believe that they should be perfect like all of the filtered...

    Do You Love Your Body?

    Most of us struggle to find one thing that is positive about our bodies because we are conditioned to believe that they should be perfect like all of the filtered...

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