Motivation Monday 8-26-24

Motivation Monday 8-26-24

Good Morning!

Did you miss me?

I was on vacation!

I spent some quality time in one of my favorite places in the world...Grange Fair.

And I spent some quality time with My Favorite Person in the World...My Husband.

We had a mini honeymoon and spent lots of alone time together, exploring different restaurants and adventures with the help of some of the gift cards we got from our wedding last year.

Vacations mean that you get off track.

For me, that meant that I missed texting people back, posting on my blog/social media/etc, not going to the gym, and eating all the crazy food.

Do I regret it?

Not. One. Bit.

But now, it is Monday, and all the vacations for the year are over.

Time to re-evaluate, set some goals, and get my butt in gear.

Maybe this post is just the kick in the pants that you needed to do the same.

Your mileage may vary.

Much Love,

Lady Misty


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