Growth and Changes

Growth and Changes

I'm really focusing on building my business this year. I want to help as many people as I can and in order to do that, I need to reach them. If you are reading this, like it, share it, and/or comment on it. I can write all day but I need eyes on my content to make the magic happen.

I'm working hard on growing and making changes.

I wrote my first ever newsletter today. That will go out to all of my subscribers on February 1st.

I also created the Limited Edition Design for this month. It is simple but powerful. I love it!

I've been working hard on creating more of the New Year, New Love journals for the series. They are coming along swimmingly.

I got a haircut and decided to switch up my work routine for today. I took the laptop out and I am writing this post in my local Starbucks while I enjoy a London Fog Latte with almond milk.



Forward Momentum.

Look out world...I'm coming! (That's the haircut talking...LOL)

Much Love,

~Lady Misty

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