Friday Favorites 9-13-24

Friday Favorites 9-13-24

Friday Favorites: My Favorite Coffee Blends

Happy Friday, Coffee Lovers! 🌟

Today, I’m excited to share two of my all-time favorite coffee blends. If you’re a fan of bold, dark roasts like me, you’re going to love these!

First up is Starbucks Caffè Verona. This rich, full-bodied blend has that perfect depth and smoothness with just a hint of sweetness. It’s my go-to for mornings when I need that strong, comforting cup to kickstart my day. ☕

Then there’s Whole Foods 365 Pacific Rim—another bold dark roast that’s earthy, deep, and just a little bit exotic. It’s perfect when I’m in the mood for something bold but still smooth and balanced. These two blends always hit the spot and are a must-try for any dark roast lover! 💥

For me, dark roasts are all about the richness and intensity, and both of these blends deliver that in the best way. If you’re a dark roast fan like me, what are your favorites? Let’s chat about our go-to coffee blends in the comments! 👇

Much Love,
Lady Misty

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