
Do You Love Your Body?

Do You Love Your Body?

Most of us struggle to find one thing that is positive about our bodies because we are conditioned to believe that they should be perfect like all of the filtered...

Do You Love Your Body?

Most of us struggle to find one thing that is positive about our bodies because we are conditioned to believe that they should be perfect like all of the filtered...

The Power of "I Am" Statements: Embracing Positivity and Self-Love

The Power of "I Am" Statements: Embracing Posit...

Hey there, lovely readers! Today, I want to dive into something that's become a bit of a cornerstone in my own life and in many of the journals and books...

The Power of "I Am" Statements: Embracing Posit...

Hey there, lovely readers! Today, I want to dive into something that's become a bit of a cornerstone in my own life and in many of the journals and books...

Self-Reflection Sunday 7-14-24

Self-Reflection Sunday 7-14-24

July 14, 2024: Mindfulness and Emotional Regulation This week, we delve deeper into the relationship between mindfulness and emotional regulation. Mindfulness can be a powerful tool for managing our emotions,...

Self-Reflection Sunday 7-14-24

July 14, 2024: Mindfulness and Emotional Regulation This week, we delve deeper into the relationship between mindfulness and emotional regulation. Mindfulness can be a powerful tool for managing our emotions,...

What would your letter say?

What would your letter say?

If you were to write a letter to your 6-month-ago self, what would it say? Would you write about your job progress? A new or growing relationship? Fitness achievements? Or...

What would your letter say?

If you were to write a letter to your 6-month-ago self, what would it say? Would you write about your job progress? A new or growing relationship? Fitness achievements? Or...

She is training for a 5k...

She is training for a 5k...

My Bonus Daughter is training for her first ever 5k. It's time to pay the entry fee to get her runner number. I suggested that maybe she design a tee,...

She is training for a 5k...

My Bonus Daughter is training for her first ever 5k. It's time to pay the entry fee to get her runner number. I suggested that maybe she design a tee,...

Self-Reflection Sunday 7-7-24

Self-Reflection Sunday 7-7-24

July 7, 2024: Understanding Mindfulness Welcome to the first week of our journey into Cultivating Mindfulness for Emotional Well-Being. Mindfulness is the practice of being fully present in the moment,...

Self-Reflection Sunday 7-7-24

July 7, 2024: Understanding Mindfulness Welcome to the first week of our journey into Cultivating Mindfulness for Emotional Well-Being. Mindfulness is the practice of being fully present in the moment,...