She is training for a 5k...

She is training for a 5k...

My Bonus Daughter is training for her first ever 5k.

It's time to pay the entry fee to get her runner number.

I suggested that maybe she design a tee, help me sell it, and earn the money for her number.

She decided to create a lighthearted and outlandish tale that reminds us all to never trust oil executives.

Purchasing this tee will help Alexis get her runner number.

Additional funds will go toward new running shoes and any other runner gear she may need.

Get yours today! Available until July 31st!

Thank you so much for supporting her fitness endeavors!!!

Much Love,

Lady Misty

PS... When you get the shirt, send her a picture of you wearing it to:

and don't forget to wear it on August 17th when she runs the 5k!

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