Coffee Talk Tuesday: Light, Medium, or Dark

Coffee Talk Tuesday: Light, Medium, or Dark

Which roast do you prefer?

Light roast is generally what you get if you purchase a Breakfast Blend coffee. The depth of coffee flavor isn't as strong, but depending on the bean and the roaster, can still be delicious.

Medium roast is literally the middle of the road. There is a good balance of depth and flavor with this coffee.

Dark roast tends to be rich and more bitter. This is the most flavorful roast and depending on the beans and the roaster, it can really pack a punch.

A surprising fact that you may not be aware of: the longer the coffee bean is roasted, the less caffeine it contains. This means that light roast has the most caffeine and dark roast has the least. 

My preference is dark roast. The darker the better! I love the deep, rich flavor profile and the bitterness. I love the strong coffee flavor so much that I will drink straight espresso.

What is your coffee preference?

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